October 8, 2017

The Fruitful Life

Passage: John 15:1-17

Bible Text: John 15:1-17 | Preacher: Eric Kretschmer | Series: John

There are literally thousands of books published each year in this country that are written to help us become successful in life. And yet the one thing God’s people must always be reminded of is that there is only one Book ever written that holds the key to what it means to truly live the successful life: And that Book is The Bible. This almost sounds like a cliché to many who may have grown up in the church and around Christians their whole life, but it is true none-the-less. God’s Word, the Bible, informs us of all that we need to know in order to live the truly successful, or fruitful, life. And yet, sadly, so many Christians struggle to understand and live out a truly fruitful Christian life. This morning’s passage is one of those fundamental sections of scripture that help to explain how one can truly live the fruitful Christian life.