Mark and Joan Bouman Cambodia 316

Jon and MaryAnna Casey – SEND North
While attending Alaska Bible College from 2002-2006, we became active in praying for the villages in Alaska and were made aware of many of the needs off the road system. We heard of the drugs, alcohol and suicide, and especially noticed the high number of villages with no Christian families living in the communities. It was through this time that our hearts were drawn towards western Alaska. You can read about their ministry here. You can email the Caseys here: jon_m_casey@hotmail.com
Mark and Nicola Faires – SEND North
Mark and Nicola’s role is to support fellow SEND North personnel in Alaska’s interior. They serve in the Fairbanks area and wear many hats. They are part of the Logistics and Support team, providing housing and expediting, as well as being part of the aviation department through flight and maintenance. You can go here to read more about the Faires's ministry. You can email the Faires Family here: missionflyak@gmail.com.
Ted and Marilyn Franke – Arctic Barnabas
While in the ministry of Christian Camping for nearly 28 years, Ted and Marilyn were blessed with connections with ministry leaders all over Alaska. Now for them to join with Alaska Mission Connection (a special project under the umbrella of Arctic Barnabas) seems like a natural progression to their past ministry experience. The Alaska Mission Connection is an organization attempting to facilitate collaborations among ministries working around Alaska as its motto states, "Jesus followers united in mission." The Frankes have been encouraged as almost daily they see God uniting Alaska's ministry leaders, and building connections to effectively evangelize and disciple all of Alaska's people. Go here to read more. You can email the Frankes here: ted@arcticbarnabas.org
Teddy and Lizz Franke – Camp Morrow
Our family is based at Camp Morrow in central Oregon. We use horsemanship as a tool for evangelism, and discipleship among people of all ages. Our summers consist of ministering through camps, cattle drives, and serving in the community. During the fall and winter we host a variety of churches, youth groups, and other organizations. Through the continual cultivation of relationships with people our family works to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. Read more at their blog site here: The Franke Flier. You can email the Frankes here: teddy@campmorrow.org
Mark and Andrea McGee – Tanalian Bible Camp
The McGees joined the staff of TBC in April of 2003. They are originally from Michigan and moved to Alaska in 1999. Mark served for ten years as the Director of Follow-up and Outreach for TBC and now serves as Interim Executive Director. Both Mark and Andrea grew up attending Bible camps and met at a camp in Michigan where they both served on staff. Mark is gifted in leading worship, is a pilot, aircraft mechanic, outdoorsman, and avid Royals fan. Andrea joins Mark in leading worship, enjoys reading, cooking, and using her gift for hospitality and serving in many areas of camp life. Together they desire to see their lives used to impact Southwest Alaska with the power of Christ. Read more about their ministry here. You can email the McGees here: mark.mcgee@tanalianbiblecamp.org