February 5, 2017

A Difficult Teaching

Passage: John 6:49-59
Service Type:

Bible Text: John 6:49-59 | Preacher: Eric Kretschmer | Series: John

Jesus has been making increasingly bolder claims, pointing to the necessity of placing our faith in Him alone if we wish to have eternal life and a relationship with God. Chapter 6 began with his miracle of feeding of the five thousand on the eastern shore of Galilee, after which he was followed by the crowd back to the western shore of Galilee, where He explained the spiritual significance of his miraculous feeding, using the metaphor that He is the Bread of Life. And this teaching was not sitting well with the crowds or many of his disciples. And so as we come to this morning’s passage, we are seeing Jesus shock the crowds with a difficult teaching as he tries once more to get their attention.
