May 28, 2017

I And The Father Are One

Passage: John 1:31-42
Service Type:

Bible Text: John 1:31-42 | Preacher: Eric Kretschmer | Series: John

In April 2015, The Barna Research group polled Americans of all ages, asking the single question: “What do you believe about Jesus?” The trend from generation to generation was disturbing:

For the Elder generation (born before and up to 1945) 62% believed Jesus is God.

For the Boomer generation (born from 1946-1964) 58% believed Jesus is God.

For the Generation-Xers (born from 1965-1976) 55% believe Jesus is God.

For the Millennials (born from 1977- 1995) 48% believe Jesus is God. A 14% decline in the belief that Jesus is truly God of from the oldest to youngest generations. The number one cause for this erosion of faith in the divine nature of Jesus? Biblical illiteracy – the younger generations are not typically reading their Bibles outside of church on Sundays. This is why the Gospel of John is such a critical Gospel: It’s primary focus is on the divine nature of Jesus Christ, the ramifications of which we read in this morning’s passage.