September 4, 2017

Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled

Passage: John 14:1-7
Service Type:

Bible Text: John 14:1-7 | Preacher: Eric Kretschmer | Series: John

When disappointments come and the stresses of life bear down on you, where do you turn for comfort? We all have places we turn to escape the stresses of life: It can be a physical location, a mental state, or some sort of activity (like going on a hike, fishing, camping, hunting, etc.).

The first words spoken by Jesus in this morning’s passage are words of comfort, and serve as the title of this morning’s sermon: “Let not your hearts be troubled.” These words of Jesus come immediately after he has been betrayed by Judas, revealed that Peter (arguably the most devout of the disciples) would deny Him three times, and told His disciples that He was about to leave them, and that they could not follow Him where He was going. Even though Jesus was about to face His own torture and death, His thoughts and concerns were with comforting His disciples even to the very end of His earthly ministry.

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