December 31, 2017

Our Day Of Salvation Draws Near

Passage: Romans 13:11-14
Service Type:

Bible Text: Romans 13:11-14 | Preacher: Eric Kretschmer | Series: New Year’s Day

Today is New Year’s Eve and this is a day that people typically spend thinking about all that they did over the past year and resolve to make the incoming year better. Though it is always good to try to improve our relationship with others and God, repent of habitual sins, and attempt to live a godlier life now than we did yesterday, there is also the fact that we do not know how many more days we have left on this earth to work on our self-improvement goals. The fact is that God’s people are to live life today mindful that tomorrow may never come. This is not a pessimistic view of life, but rather a realistic view of how temporary our life really is.

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