April 8, 2018

The Road To Emmaus

Passage: Luke 24:13-35
Service Type:

Bible Text: Luke 24:13-35 | Preacher: Eric Kretschmer | Series: The Last 40 Days Of Jesus Life

How often do we go through life with out fully seeing the presence of God and the work He is doing before our very eyes? There are several things that can blind us to the presence of God in our lives, from unrepentant sins to extreme emotional hardships. And grief is actually the emotional state of the followers of Jesus Christ on the morning when He was raised from the dead. The account in the Gospel of John jumps from the women at the empty tomb to later that evening in the upper room with His disciples, but how did Jesus spend his first day out of the tomb? To fill in the blanks we need to go to the Gospel of Luke. We know Luke’s Gospel was concerned with the chronology of the events surrounding Jesus’ life, and the passage we will be reading this morning only occurs in Luke’s Gospel.