The Good Shepherd

May 7, 2017
To understand Jesus' teaching this morning we need to know a few facts about 1st Century sheep farming. Unlike most sheep farming today, sheep were raised and kept in unfenced, open…

Reacting To Christ

February 12, 2017
The default condition of the human heart is to believe in oneself rather than to believe in God. Therefore, it is only when God supernaturally grabs that person's heart and…

John’s Witness

October 2, 2016
So today we come full-circle, having begun with the testimony of John the Baptist in Chapter 1 we now get the final testimony of John the Baptist at the end…

Saved Through Christ

September 25, 2016
This morning we will continue looking at this conversation in John Chapter 3. How do you define love? According to the Association of American Atheists, "love can’t be precisely measured or even…

Born From Above

September 18, 2016
It is interesting to me that Christians are referred to as citizens of heaven in the Bible. So how does one become a citizen of heaven? What sort of passports,…